Award Entry Rules 


In the Terms & Conditions of Award Entry, the following definitions apply:

‘The Event’ or ‘Award Dinner’ means “The Animal Star Awards 2024’’ means Animal Star Events Ltd
‘Judge’ means Award Judge / ‘Winner’ means Award Winner / ‘Finalist’ means Award Finalist / ‘Entrant’ means Award Entrant / ‘Highly Commended means runner/runners up’
‘Attendee’ means any person or business attending or registering to attend ‘The Animal Star Awards 2024’
‘Venue’ is Portsmouth Maritime Club & Hotel, United Kingdom.

ASA refers to Animal Star Awards & Animal Star Events

Terms and Conditions

  • The Animal Star Awards are organised by Animal Star Events LTD UK
  • By entering the awards, the entrant will be deemed to have read and understood the terms and conditions of ‘Award Entry’ and ‘Registration and Attendance’ and to be bound by both terms and conditions.
  • By entering The Animal Star Awards, all award and category entrants have agreed to allow the details of their entry to be shared with the judges and representatives of ASA, All entrants will be deemed to have consented to the transfer and sharing of their personal, company and project data and information for the purpose of administration and judging of the awards and any other purposes to which the entrant has consented.
  • One nomination per individual ensures entry into the awards
  • Multiple Entries are not permitted and may result in the nominee being disqualified from the process
  • ASSISTANCE /SUPPORT DOG Entrants must adhere to the following
  • 1) Dogs must not still be in initial training
  • 2) Dogs must be 18 months old & over to enter
  • 3) A copy of the dogs insurance may be requested
  • The Animal Star Awards are open to any pet related business owners, registered animal charities, animal rescue centre, anyone involved in animal conservation and generally anyone involved with the welfare or rescue of animals.
  • Assistance dogs entered into the awards must have completed their training and be a working assistance dog with the relevant insurance. (we have the right to ask for evidence)
  • All category entries must be received by ASA prior to the submission deadline. Entries received after the submission deadline will not be accepted. Neither ASA nor the judges will not accept responsibility or liability for any lost, late, mislaid or incomplete entries with all such entries deemed invalid. For the purpose of doubt, proof of dispatch shall not be accepted as proof of entry.
  • All category entries must be submitted in English and submitted electronically with supporting documents (if applicable) using the ‘Entry Form/Nominee Information For’ Any entry received by any other means including via email, fax, post or hand delivered will not be accepted.
  • Please note entries that do not contain the correct details will not be accepted and you will not receive notification.
  • You must submit a nomination with the correct email address of the nominee you can source this via website, social media or contacting the organisation or individual.
  • Upon written request, entries may be withdrawn by the entrant prior to 11:59pm on 1st April 2024. In the case of a withdrawal of entry by the entrant they may not use the ASA name or nominee badge for promotional purposes after notification to withdraw has been submitted.
  • Please note ALL change of circumstances relating to your Pet Related Business must be provided to us ahead of judging or your entry to the awards may be deemed invalid, this includes change of name, change of job role, closure of business, change of employer or self employment with a different organisation, to the one you entered the awards. If you're unsure what changes need to be reported to us please email us to enquire.
  • The right to use any badges or logos on social media or website will be prohibited.
  • The us of our logo or winners badges ECT on merchandise is NOT permitted our logo is copyrighted.
  • Any unauthorised use of our logo or banding may result in your award being revoked.
  • All entrants must be aged 18 or over. The entrant or the employer/charity trustee represented by the entrant, must have worked or be directly associated with the business, project or charity that is featured in the entry.
  • Entrants in our Young Animal Hero category must be under the age of 18 on awards night November 11th 2023
  • Entries must be submitted by the person with whom all future correspondence about the awards and finalist information will be sent.
  • Entrants may enter into a maximum of 3 award categories, however all submitted entries must be tailored for each individual category.
  • Our SPECIAL RECOGNITION (human) replaces our Lifetime Achievement category in 2024 and one winner will be chosen from our 2024 finalists.
  • Please note should an entrant into a category sadly pass away (Human or Animal) they will be removed from the category judging and remembered posthumously on awards night in a tribute put together by the founder of the awards and or the animals owner or family members approved by them.
  • Dog Trainer/Behaviourist Category please note we do not support the use of prong or shock collars on any dog or the use of aversive training techniques if information comes to light that these training tools are being used we will remove the trainer or organisation in question from the awards process with immediate effect. You will no longer be able to use any of our copyrighted materials ie badges Ect on your social media or websites. 
  • If however final judging has taken place and the winners and highly commended chosen and that person or animal passes away they will still be announced as a category winner or highly commended on awards night.
  • Final judging for 2024 does not take place until end Sept 2024
  • Entries must not exceed the word count of 500 words per individual category area (Objectives / Strategy / Execution / Results) per entry. This word limit does not apply to supporting documentation.
  • All category finalists will be notified via-email & WhatsApp approximately 5 months prior to the awards (November 2023). Due to the high volume of entries for The Animal Star Awards, entries which have not been announced as a finalist will not be notified via email or other correspondence.
  • The judges will shortlist upto 12 finalists from each award category and the finalists will be publicly announced on our social media channels. Finalists will also be listed on the official Animal Star Awards website.If some categories have more nominees than expected we may award two Highly Commended winners.
  • The Animal Star Awards reserves, the right to decide whether a category will have more than one highly commended recipient
  • Award winners will be announced during the awards dinner taking place in Portsmouth, in November 2023. Under no circumstances will the details of winners/highly commended be disclosed prior to the event. During the awards dinner, one award winner and one highly commended will be announced from the finalists in each category with category winners and highly commended receiving awards (winners) & certificates (winners & highly commended) at the event. Finalists (excluding winners and highly commended otherwise recognised as runners-up) will receive a certificate within 30 days of the event.
  • Category winners, highly commended and finalists are not provided with complimentary tickets to the awards dinner. All category finalists are required to be present at the awards dinner and must purchase a minimum of one ticket to the awards dinner in November 2023.
  • The Animal Star Awards are judged by a panel of independent judges without the interference or influence of ASA  or any ASA representative. All judges work within the Animal industry & are experts in their field.
  • The judges and ASA  reserve the right at its absolute discretion to reject any entry without explanation or notice. In the case that an entry is rejected by the judges or ASA the right to use social media badges is withdrawn.
  • The judges’ decision will be final and no explanation, correspondence or discussion will be offered or entered into before or following the judges’ decision. Additionally, feedback will not be given on any successful or unsuccessful entry before or following the judges’ decision.
  • Should entries of a winning standard not been submitted into an individual category, the judges at their absolute discretion may decline to award a winner or finalists. In the case that a category is deemed unworthy of a winner and / or finalists.
  • The judges and ASA reserve the right to amend category selections where it is deemed appropriate.
  • The judges reserve the right to disqualify any entry not accompanied by the appropriate / correct supporting documentation or any entry deemed to be inaccurate, false or misleading. In the case that an entry is disqualified the right to promote yourself or your organisation as a finalist will be removed.
  • The judges and ASA accept no responsibility for any costs associated with entering or attending the awards. This includes but not limited to: Attending the awards dinner or the creation, submission, judging and / or evaluation of award entries.
  • ASA will not be held responsible for any travel, accommodation and / or (non-event served) food or refreshment requirements of an award attendee, finalist or winner or highly commended recipie.
  • ASA reserves the right at its own discretion to alter or reschedule the awards, the awards dinner and / or to change the judging panel and / or these terms at any time and without notice.
  • Should the event be rescheduled, these terms remain binding between ASA and all award entrants and dinner attendees for a period of 6 months from the original scheduled date of the awards dinner. Should the awards dinner be rescheduled, the awards dinner will be held within 6 months of the date of original scheduled dinner and in the case that an attendee is unable to attend the rescheduled event, a substitute attendee may be nominated up to 7 days prior to the rescheduled awards dinner without charge. Should the awards dinner be cancelled or not rescheduled or held within 6 months of the original schedule dinner, a refund limited to the sum of a fully paid table or individual ticket cost which has been paid by an entrant or attendee will be offered. For the purpose of doubt, a change of name, a rescheduled date within 6 months of the original scheduled awards dinner or a relocation of the awards dinner is not a cancellation
  • ASA will not be liable for any death, injury, financial loss or damage sustained by an award attendee as a result of, or arising from any circumstances, including but not limited to financial losses arising from the rescheduling or the cancellation of the awards or awards dinner by ASA, which right ASA hereby reserves where in its opinion it thinks such action necessary, or appropriate under such circumstances which is deemed to be outside the control of ASA. For the purposes of this agreement, non-exhaustive illustrations of those matters which are hereby agreed to be outside ASA reasonable control include fire, storm, tempest, lightning, other abnormal weather conditions, national emergency, labour disputes, strikes, lockouts, civil disturbances, explosion, inevitable accident, threatened or actual war, armed conflict, terrorist attack or nuclear, chemical or biological contamination or the withdrawal or non-appearance of key presenters of the awards dinner. Should ASA cancel the awards dinner, this agreement shall automatically terminate.
  • ASA will not be held responsible for the security of any award attendee nor for any attendee’s personal belongings. All award attendees accept and acknowledge that neither ASA nor the venue maintains insurance covering any attendees property and / or liability, and it is the sole responsibility of the award attendee & their guests to obtain such insurance.
  • All award entrants and award attendees agree to indemnify ASA against all costs, claims, damages and expenses that any award entrant and / or award attendee incurs as a result of, or in connection with; any breach of this agreement by ASA; or any complaint or claim made or brought against ASA in respect of any act or omission on the part of any award entrant, its representatives, award dinner guests or any award attendee.
  • During the award dinner, alcoholic beverages will be served at the bar for the enjoyment of attendees to purchase.. ASA strongly advise all award attendees to keep within the UK legal drink driving alcohol limits. By agreeing to these terms & conditions, all award attendees accept full responsibility for their own actions and acknowledge and agree that ASA, the event suppliers, the venue and event sponsors will not be held responsible for any attendees actions following the consumption of alcohol, or from any related or non-related circumstance which may occur prior, during or following the awards dinner.
  • Finalists are politely asked to refrain from getting too intoxicated until all awards winners, highly commended have been announced.
  • While peanuts or other tree nuts may not be an ingredient in the food served at the awards dinner, menu items may be produced in the same area as food containing various nuts. ASA, the event caters, suppliers and the venue wish to advise sufferers of nut allergies, that although best practices are used in the preparation of food served by the venue, inadvertent cross-contamination of nuts and nut traces may occur.
  • Prior and following the awards, ASA will produce a comprehensive media / publicity campaign highlighting the awards, award categories, winners, runners-up and finalists. All award entrants, winners, runners-up and finalists agree to offer ASA the exclusive right to use content, images and film for the promotion of the awards, and for the commercial promotion of ASA and any ASA event.
  • All award entrants, winners, runners-up and finalists grant ASA the exclusive right to use and reproduce their name, trademark and company logo for pre-event, onsite and post-event marketing of the awards, and for the commercial promotion of ASA and any ASA event.
  • Photography and filming by ASA approved photographers and film crews may take place during the awards evening and dinner. As photographs and film footage may include images of award winners, runners-up, finalists and attendees, all award winners, runners-up, finalists and attendees acknowledge and accept that ASA may record, photograph, film and broadcast (via print, electronic means and internet) any image or film footage taken during the awards evening and dinner. All winners, runners-up, finalists and attendees agree to offer ASA the exclusive right to use any image or film footage taken during the awards evening and dinner for the promotion of the awards, and for the commercial promotion of ASA and any ASA event.
  • All winners, runners-up and finalists of The Animal Star Awards 2023 will be given the entitlement to display the appropriate Animal Star Awards winner, runners-up and finalist logos on their websites and corporate marketing materials for their own promotion. Category winners, runners-up and finalists may only use the official logo in connection with the award for which they have won or announced as a finalist. The logo must be issued by ASA, must not be altered, and the year of the award clearly display.
  • By submitting your registration for this event, you consent to ASA contacting you via email and telephone with regards to this and future events / services.
  • Due to data protection regulations, attendee lists for the awards dinner are not offered by ASA.
  • The attendee numbers anticipated for the awards dinner are for guidance purposes only and ASA gives no assurance or warranty that the anticipated attendee numbers will be achieved.
  • These terms shall be governed by the laws of England and Wales and the courts of England and Wales shall have exclusive jurisdiction.
  • Please note any former awards recipient that brings the awards name into disrepute will be asked to surrender their position as a former winner or highly commended & will no longer be entitled to use any ASA badges ECT on their websites or social media sites.
  • The Animal Star Awards has not partnered with any third party to gain you exclusive access to media coverage. You do not have to pay to get your good news into the newspapers if you are approached by a third party we would recommend that you politely decline.
  • These organisations have no affiliation with the Animal Star Awards or Animal Star Events or our sponsors.

By entering The Animal Star Awards 2024, all award and category entrants have agreed to allow the details of their entry to be shared with the judges and representatives of ASA including our sponsors.. All entrants will be deemed to have consented to the transfer and sharing of their personal, company and project data and information for the purpose of administration and judging of the awards and any other purposes to which the entrant has consented.

By submitting a registration for this event, the participant acknowledges and gives consent on behalf of all person’s mentioned on this registration form to have their details entered onto a ASA database. The participant also acknowledges and gives consent for ASA  to contact the registered delegate via email and/ or telephone for this and future ASA events and services that are relevant to them.

Your details will be entered into the Animal Star Events LTD database to help us process your entry more efficiently and to keep you informed of information in relation to this event as well as upcoming events and services. Should you not wish to opt out of receiving information related to additional events and services supplied by ASA please write to animalstarevents@gmail.com

Animal Star Events will never sell or give your information to third parties. As an attendee of a ASA event, you have the option to authorise an individual onsite, to scan your badge. In the event that your badge is scanned, you are giving permission for this company to obtain your full details (as supplied at registration) for future contact. For the full information on how we use your data, please review our Privacy Policy.

Event Security / Photo Identification – IMPORTANT NOTICE:

As with all our events, ASA takes the security of its speakers, sponsors and attendees extremely seriously. Under no circumstances will any person be allowed access to the event without the following:

Event Ticket(s) – Approximately 4 weeks prior to the event, you will receive several emails with details relating to the awards. You are required to bring your ticket with you on the evening before entry to the event is granted, Ticket Tailor offer barcoded tickets which you can display on your phone.

Refunds - Please note refunds will not be authorised if the awards ceremony is less than 4 weeks away in duration. All requests must be submitted in writing prior to the 4 week deadline and you may be granted a % of your ticket cost due to ASA having already paid suppliers ECT.

Photo Identification – All attending speakers, sponsors and attendees will be required to produce photographic identification at the point of registration before entry to the event is granted. Accepted identification is a valid Driver’s Licence or Passport only.

Please Note – We will not record, photocopy or scan your identification, this request is made for your security and will be used to match your identity to your registration only.

Important – Under no circumstances will any person be allowed access to the event without a ticket and photographic identification which matches the details of their registration. (Under no circumstances will passes be issued or made available on the day of the event)

Should you experience any problems in receiving or printing your invitation, please contact ASA on 07561 619826.



Online Awards Terms & Conditions

1) If you’ve entered our online awards the terms & conditions vary

2) Your ticket charge will cover admin costs & costs associated with organising an online awards event

3) You will be invited to an awards event if you are chosen as a winner to receive your award in person (Details of the event May be subject to change) 

4) If you’re unable to attend in person you will be required to cover the cost of Postage & Packing to have the award sent to you

5) Awards will be sent out after the event date ,if you won a award in 2022 & you cannot attend the awards ceremony in November 2023 your award will be sent within 10 days of that event date. Providing you have paid your P&P charges. Currently £6

6) Digital certificates for 2023 have been issued.(We do not send out hard copies of certificates)


 Copyright 2022 AnimalStarAwards.com 








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